Verana Health debuts cloud-based software applications to accelerate life science insights; improve patient care

Verana Health announced on Thursday debut of several cloud-based software applications that feature near real-time insights for physicians and life science companies. These applications apply advanced analytics to information from the American Academy of Ophthalmology’s IRIS Registry to accelerate product innovation and enhance patient care.

Verana Health is building a platform for life science innovation that utilizes regulatory-grade specialty data sets. This platform initially utilizes real-world ophthalmic data from the largest specialty clinical database in medicine, representing over 50 million patients and billions of data points, to deeply understand patient needs and to optimize pharmaceutical and device development from clinical research through to post-commercialization.

Verana Health is developing several technology solutions that benefit physicians, including tools for more efficient clinical study recruitment and benchmarking key metrics for practice performance and patient outcomes.

The company is also building offerings that provide insights derived from structured data elements and clinical notes to enable life science companies to monitor adverse events related to pharmaceutical products and medical devices across regions, enabling a corrective response before the impact on patients reaches a more critical threshold; understand patient journey with a research tool that measures comparative effectiveness and disease treatment variations on an aggregated patient population to identify the most efficient and beneficial healthcare interventions; and access market share trends with high-fidelity insights extracted from clinical notes and structured EHR data fields to make smarter business decisions and respond quickly to changes in the competitive landscape.

“The information in the IRIS Registry holds tremendous value for the ophthalmic community at large, and we are pleased to share our progress building new tools to accelerate life science innovation and transform patient care,” said Doug Foster, chief strategy officer of Verana Health, who oversees the company’s product initiatives. “Our software applications will enable physicians and life science companies to better serve the needs of patients through actionable insights gleaned from deeper clinical data than previously available.”

Verana Health, previously known as DigiSight Technologies, was selected by the Academy as the exclusive commercial partner for the IRIS Registry, the largest specialty clinical database in medicine, featuring over 200 million patient encounters and 50 million unique patients.

Since the announcement of this partnership last November, the company has brought on new leadership, expanded its clinical data science and artificial intelligence capabilities, decreased data lag from months to weeks, and rebranded to Verana Health in line with its new focus on building a multi-specialty data platform for life science innovation.

In addition to these new software applications, Verana will continue to offer custom analytic solutions for life science companies with specific needs.


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