Hologram launches large LTE software-defined cellular network for secure IoT connectivity

Technology company Hologram announced Tuesday availability of its large LTE software-defined global cellular network to enable connectivity for the next generation of IoT devices and smart machines. The software-defined global network provides access to 600 cellular networks worldwide and is configurable through Hologram’s programmable network and APIs.

The network introduces micro pricing options down to the kilobyte, allowing for more transparent data pricing as well as increased flexibility for large applications and deployments for enterprise companies. With the announcement of their software-defined network, Hologram has condensed the full cellular infrastructure stack to just a handful of API calls.

Hologram’s new network takes advantage of modern software frameworks to provide an ultra-scalable, self-improving cellular connection designed to scale quickly for the trillions of devices entering our world in the next decade. Hologram caters to the needs of enterprise customers through the most secure connection, advanced diagnostic and management tools and customizable hardware.

Hologram.io is software-centric company aiming to harness virtualization and low cost hardware to offer global cellular connectivity to the Internet of Things industry. Hologram, formerly Konekt, aims to build a specialized telecommunication network for connected devices. In 2015, they released the Hologram Dash, an arduino compatible cellular module, and a full set of tools to get any developer started with sim cards, modems, and accessories to plug and play into their cloud environment.

“Historically, cellular infrastructure has been expensive, rigid, and difficult to maintain making it challenging to adapt the needs of IoT,” says Ben Forgan, CEO of Hologram. “By applying modern software technologies to cellular, Hologram’s software-defined network changes this paradigm. It allows us to greatly improve performance, cost, coverage and ease of use on a continuous basis, which in turn greatly expands the number of IoT applications that can take advantage of the ubiquity and security of a cellular connection.”

Hologram, based in downtown Chicago, Illinois, is best known for developing cellular hardware and software solutions for IoT developers. They have been helping both SMB and enterprise customers integrate cellular connectivity into new applications and previously unconnected devices since 2013.

Since then, Hologram has grown their cellular network to cover over 90 percent of the populated landmass worldwide, enabling a surge of smart machines designed to move across geographies without ever losing connection.

“We believe in a future where we can produce better crops with less water through machine-learning, eliminate travel delays with airplanes that predict maintenance needs before they happen, and enable delivery of medicine to remote areas through drones. These types of innovations only occur in a world where connectivity for machines is ubiquitous, secure, and easy to implement anywhere on the planet,” says Ben Forgan, CEO of Hologram.

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